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Holly Jirovsky
Jul 23, 2014
Wedding Week- Military
A military wedding can mean different wardrobe choices.  There are informal military weddings.  Most military wedding I’ve seen have...

Holly Jirovsky
Jun 30, 2014
Summer Concert Series- Miranda Lambert’s Automatic
It’s time for a little thing I like to do every summer.  It’s sort of my summer concert series, if you will.  I will feature my current...

Holly Jirovsky
Jun 13, 2014
Swim Season- Maternity
I hate to almost say this, but these are the best of the worst maternity swimsuits. In my search for maternity suits, I came up highly...

Holly Jirovsky
May 15, 2014
Family Picnic
Memorial Day often strikes up the grilling and picnicking fever in all of us. What doesn’t sound better than a hotdog or brat right...

Holly Jirovsky
Feb 23, 2014
Spring Trends 2014- Cropped Jackets
Our final spring trend- cropped jackets. These can really be tricky for us moms who may not want to delve into anything that contains...

Holly Jirovsky
Feb 19, 2014
Spring Trends 2014- Button Ups
Day two spring trends. And this one is just a carryover from winter, button downs! And really buttons in general are everywhere. A big...

Holly Jirovsky
Feb 4, 2014
Oscar-worthy Dresses
First start to an Oscar-worthy look? A great dress. When you are a mom, you don’t want to feel like you’re wearing a prom dress. Or...
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