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Holly Jirovsky
Jun 11, 2014
Swim Season- Athletic
I recently started a summer workout program at my local pool. And I am really loving it. I am not a big swimmer. A fish, I am not! If...

Holly Jirovsky
May 30, 2014
Summer Spots- The Pool
Now here’s a place my kids have been dreaming about all winter. And I have to admit, I enjoy it almost as much. Are you ready for a dip...

Holly Jirovsky
Apr 30, 2014
Soccer Mom
Today certainly hasn’t gone as planned. After getting the kids off to school,  I found myself phoneless. Which is a weird feeling. I...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 9, 2014
Packable Sandals
Here are some totally packable sandals for all kinds of vacation activities! Taking a tour? Wear the Nike’s. Headed to the beach? Don...
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