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Holly Jirovsky
May 1, 2014
Boot Camp
This week I’m still on a quest for colorful outfits. Because now it’s May and guess what, the skies are still gray. Happy May Day! One...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 17, 2014
Pool Honey
For my last winter workout, I’m going with something really wintery… swimming! Indoors, that is. Hopefully you have access to one...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 16, 2014
Runner’s World
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you never have to worry if you’ve gotten a good workout in when you run. Don’t let those...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 15, 2014
I’m excited to try snowshoeing this winter. It would be a first for me but I liken it to cross-country skiing. I’m anticipating wearing...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 14, 2014
Have you tried spinning? I have to admit I was a little leery when I first signed up. I do enjoy a good bike ride but I’m just not a...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 13, 2014
Skater Chic
Did anyone watch the Golden Globes last night? So exciting for awards season to be here! I have to admit, I didn’t watch it. (I’m...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 11, 2014
Olympic Dreams
One of the very first occupations I ever remember wanting to be when I was very young was… an Olympic ice skater.  I can remember...

Holly Jirovsky
Oct 12, 2013
Fall Fashion Challenge- Day Seventeen- Recreational Sports
You may have wondered why I have some sort of blueish spot on my face under my eye. Â I gave myself a shiner. Â Completely embarrassing,...
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