Nothing earth shattering today. I’ve slowly collected a mix of circular wall art in brassy colors. And I’ve been wondering what to do with them. I think I finally found the spot- on either side of my living room doorway.
Have you heard that brass is back in? I’m not sure what to think about that yet. I mean, ten years ago everyone was throwing it out the window. And, it does remind me a little of my grandma’s house. The reason these babies haven’t gotten a good dose of spray paint? I’ve just been too lazy. But I have to admit, I’m not hating it. It will take me a little convincing to go back to the shiny bright brass.
Here’s what they look like-

Clock and Corkboard


I especially love how they carry the theme across the room’s opening.
Here’s an article from a blogger I love regarding brass-
Are you on board with brass? Or does the whole thing scare you?