I am not 20 anymore. I’m starting to realize this. Every week in my workout classes, my body is slower, I have to be more careful with it. Skin is starting to loosen and wrinkles don’t disappear with sleep. Girl, it only goes downhill from here.
Here’s a promise to you. I will not be a fashion blogger who flaunts a cropped top for a hot new look you need to try. Clearly most of these women are not mothers. Nor will I show you my weekend look only to reveal a short dress and heels. Um, yes. That will go nicely at the soccer fields.
This is the challenge ladies. After 20, after you find the one and throw the big wedding and get pregnant, things are gonna happen that aren’t like living in a fashion magazine. Stretch marks, cellulite and nights with no sleep (and not because you stayed too late at the bar) will suddenly appear without warning. Regular manicures and pedicures and root touch ups will be like a vacation in tropics, seldom happening occurrences. Trips to the dentist will be a welcomed break where you can catch a nap. Seriously.
So while I’d love to post pictures of myself in every dress I own and flit about in my stilettos, because girl, you know I’d love to! But I’m a mom. And the challenge is…how do you look great while living the mom life? Twenty-year-olds, come talk to me when you are pushing a stroller in those stilettos to the park seven blocks away. Or you’ve been spit up on twice today. Or when the nanny, personal chef and housekeeper all quit at the same time. Wait, what? I am all those things. And SO much more.

Mom with Stroller
Image courtesy of digitalart/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
So enjoy those days if you are 20. I may get to where you are again at 50. But in the meantime, I’ll be posting looks for real moms. For the weekend and beyond. Because the crop top ain’t ever gonna happen again.