Today’s cabinet, in the process of making over where to put kitchen products, is the pots and pans. Some of my pans ended up in the bottom of my stove. And some of my pans were across from the oven in a separate cabinet.
Here are the offending cabinets-

Under the Stove
I hated lifting them out of this spot.

Cabinet No. 2
I decided to move all the pots and pans next to the oven. Make sense right? The problem is the heaviness of the pots and pans. I really enjoyed having some of them on the slide out cabinets. Instead, I moved them to the lazy susan that is next to the oven. With the lazy susan, I still get relief from lifting them from the back of a cabinet.
Here is what was in the lazy susan before-

Lower Lazy Susan
Pyrex, Pyrex, Pyrex.
Here is what these spots look like now-

Cabinet No. 2 After
Don’t you love all that Pyrex goodness all organized? Ahh, so lovely.
And here is the lazy susan-

Lower Lazy Susan After
Yes! Pots and pans all in one place right by the oven.
Isn’t amazing what simple organization can do!