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SWL- Set for Spring

Holly Jirovsky

With more snow in the forecast, I feel a little silly typing that post title.  But we made it to March ladies and spring is just around the corner.  I think we need to congratulate each other on making it through this winter. That was a long one, am I right?

Image source- Morning Rumtea via

Lloyd thinks that we need to start going through our closets to get ready for spring this week.  In the Midwest, spring pops up on the most unexpected of days.  One day it’ll be snowing and freezing and the next you’ll be wondering why you have sweaters out. So, start thinking spring.  Put away your heaviest of sweaters, tweeds, super dark colors, maybe even some corduroys.  Seek out any garments in pastels, even if they are still winter weight.  Utilize scarves to keep you warm but allow you to wear short sleeves. Spring is a great time to wear layers.  In winter you are all bundled up, and in summer, forget it, it is hard when you are scalding.  But spring and fall= layers, layers, layers.  Create layers using light jackets, scarves, vests and blazers. And those days when all you need is a light jacket and a scarf will be upon us soon!  So weed through and get organized for them!


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