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Temptation by Mail

Holly Jirovsky

What has just arrived in my mail slot? The InStyle Fall Fashion Guide. Thank goodness, now I know what to buy for fall. I love poring through this magazine, page by page-especially the style section. While most of the shopping is completely beyond my bank account, I can always take their looks and make them my own on my shoestring budget. This magazine is not for wimps, it is approximately 638 pages, taking me usually days from cover to cover. Which is what makes it so great. I save all of the pages from the Instant Style section. I have since 2003. When I can’t figure out what to wear, open up my Instant Style pages and there I’ve got it! When you need to pack for a long vacation, find your pages and you’re set. With categories like “Dinner and Dancing,” “Date Night” and “Day at the Beach,” you will always find what is appropriate for your event. Do I always plan out what to wear every morning? No. Do I have days where I’m not happy with what I have on. Absolutely. But this magazine really helps. Now, let’s see if I have the composure to resist opening until after picking up the kids from school. Nope! Bye!


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